GWAEA SEBH Team Scaffolds Support for Districts

ƵAPP staff have been working for years to support schools by helping them learn and adopt a framework to provide behavioral support for all students based on their individual needs. During a time when educators are seeing an increased need for social-emotional support in their buildings, more districts are returning to the fundamentals in their Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) framework.

Today, 81 percent of school districts in ƵAPP’s seven county service area are using a research-based framework called Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (PBIS) to help provide that structure for their students. Those districts that aren’t using PBIS also are supported by GWAEA staff.

This important work is supported by a layered team of support from our agency:

  • PBIS Consultants Tammy Beener and Erin Welsh lead our districts through tiered training sessions, and are on tap to provide over 40 individual training sessions to our LEA partners this year.
  • Our agency’s SEBH Coaches, including Maggie Arnold, Teresa Grider-Baker, Catrina Miiller, Amanda Osborn, Teresa Moery, Shana Wagner and Kris Wheeler, are working in our district buildings to help our LEA partners implement their training with fidelity. These coaches help districts review data, and provide on-going coaching and technical support during and after training to support sustainability of implementation. Their work includes coaching and modeling these skills for the building based AEA external coaches and district internal coaches, and are part of the infrastructure our agency is building for additional leadership capacity with the SEBH Coaches.
  • Our agency also has 83 external PBIS coaches supporting this effort. They also train, coach and build consensus among district staff, and meet regularly in their buildings to help districts review data, and provide on-going coaching and technical support during and after training to support sustainability of implementation.

“Every year we ask our districts for feedback on our programs and services, and every year we’ve heard about the needs in the area of social-emotional learning and support,” commented Associate Chief Administrator Maria Cashman. “This team’s support is critical to helping our districts use an effective framework to address behavior and social-emotional needs in our buildings. We thank all of our staff for doing this work with our districts!”

PBIS External Coaches

Alicia Wickersheim

Alysia Erritt

Alyssa Dlouhy

Amanda Umbdenstock

Amy Courtney

Amy Jackson

Amy Plotz

Amy Schilling

Amy Thompson-Thye

Ann Jungblut

Ashley Schroeder

Becca Egen

Beth Votroubek

Bonnie Winslow Garvin

Brandee Gehl

Chad Caudill

Christine McSweeney

Dani Carter

Darcy Schaefer

Elizabeth Watson

Erica Buffington

Hailey Abernathey

Hannah Robson

Heather Evers

Heather Mouchka

Jack Rainey

Jaime Strickler

Jamie Siela

Jane Feldman

Janine Kane

Jenn Dockendorf

Jesse Smitterbergh

Jessica Stimmel

Jill Ries

Kalee Hansen

Kammie Galyean

Kara Becker

Karly Kleitsch

Katie Gebhart

Katy Lee

Kayla Lueth

Kelly Wise

Kim Anderson

Kim Malcom

Kim Phillips

Kristi McEnany

Kristyn Flake-Manjoine

Lindsey Kutcher

Lisa Martin

Luke Hardginski

Lynne Currie

Madison Schmitt

Marty VanRoekel

Melissa Williams

Michele McNeal

Michele Pettit

Michelle Schnath

Michelle Smith

Molly Rima

Nancy Veldhuizen

Natalie Hahn-Mauck

Nora Swift

Penny McLaughlin

Rachel Manternach

Rachel Schlee

Renee Green

Rochelle Triggs

Sam McVancel

Samantha Bennett

Samatha McVancel

Sara Taylor

Sarah Kelley

Sharon Clark

Stephanie Anthony

Stephanie Grabinski

Stephanie Hosch

Stephanie Watson-Mendoza

Tammy McSweeney

Tess Garceau

Tina Gudenkauf

Tonya Vitense

Victoria Erhardt

Zara Teichroew